Empowering Scientists.
Advancing Science.

Popular Courses

EMBO Lab Leadership for Group Leaders

Leadership, management, and communication skills that build on your research skills and empower you to enhance your team's creativity, endeavour, well-being, and research.
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EMBO Lab Leadership for Postdocs

Leadership and communication training that will support you to supervise students, work effectively with the head of your lab, and prepare for your own transition into running a team.
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EMBO Lab Leadership for Scientists in the Americas

Leadership and communication skills that empower you to enhance your team's creativity, endeavour, well-being, and research.
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Design Principles for Schematic Figures

Enhance your impact – use design principles to create compelling, clear schematic figures to communicate your research to a variety of audiences.
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Foundations in Scientific Integrity

Understand the values and principles that underscore research integrity, update yourself on best research practices, and build transparency, reproducibility, and integrity into the heart of your research.
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Writing Papers & Giving Presentations

Learn to conceptualise a paper from experimental design to publication, to highlight the impact of your research, and to adapt your message for different audiences.
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What we do
Who we do it for
How we do it

Launched in 2005 by the EMBO Young Investigator Programme, our mission to empower scientists to pursue impactful science has never felt more critical. Our portfolio of courses addresses a broad variety of core competencies in leadership, management, and research. Join us and discover how to elevate yourself and your team while prioritising good lab citizenship, well-being, and reproducible science.

We work with people who understand that leadership and other ‘soft skills’ are learnable, transformative, and empowering. We enable researchers to nurture talent, foster innovation, and create dynamic lab cultures where both science and scientists can flourish.

We research extensively to understand and apply insights from psychology, human behavioural science, social science, neuroscience, project management, the business world, and many other disciplines. We seek to understand you so that you can build on your strengths, knowledge, and uniqueness; we respect your intelligence and insight.

For 20 years, EMBO Lab Leadership has been training scientists in leadership and essential scientific skills.

At the 2024 EMBO Communities Meeting, we caught up with EMBO Director, Fiona Watt, and some alumni of the EMBO Lab Leadership course to hear their thoughts on the challenges and opportunities of leaders in research.

The hands-on exercises and step-by-step guide for scientific writing and presentation skills significantly advanced my current research project. Connecting with fellow scientists in such a supportive environment was truly rewarding!

Vanessa Linke | Postdoc

ImOL Polish Academy for Sciences

The trainers helped me clarify my thoughts and structure them into practical, actionable strategies. The discussions offered diverse perspectives and viewpoints that continue to be invaluable, not just in the lab but in life.

Kaivalya Walavalkar | Postdoc

University of Zürich

I think the workshop is fantastic! I learned how to conceptualise my own figures using the three layer principle, and how to improve its design. Sandra is a wonderful teacher, very patient and knowledgeable.

Eden Yifrach | Postdoc

Whitehead Institute Cambridge

This course provided leadership exercises directly applicable to my daily work. The in-person meetings facilitated valuable peer exchanges, making it a memorable experience.

Nicolas Huguenin | Group Leader

ETH Zürich

The emphasis on effective structuring and respect for author’s constraints has significantly refined my reviewing skills, leaving me more confident in contributing to the scientific peer-review process.

Adrianna Ntogka | PhD Student

University of Cologne

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